
Saturday, 4 June 2016

Day 5

A New plan today, get as many people as possible onto the two support yachts. I been put onto Quivera 2 an amazing boat. Its a rustler 42. Those who know about yachts will know what i mean. Them who dont just thing "shiney and special"

As i joind with my day sack the plan is to sail round to foye and spirit will catch us up. We sailed all day getting a spinicer up and enjoying the amazing weather even is the wind is slight. I feel like we really achived something today by sailing in such light wind.

Mike who owns the boat is a great guy. We arw a crew of 5 at the moment but 2 of us are really spirit crew. We cant wait for her to join us

Stay safe, speak soon.


Friday, 3 June 2016

Day 4

With the engine in pieces and hope we can get underway soon we are sitting around waiting for spares. The crew are bonding and freindships forming out of this, the first challene in many.

Well today i feel i have gained a whole new family away from the bond that veterans have and away from the common experinces that many of us share. There was a low point today that i struggled with the details are not important. I over committed to something beyond me and i failed. I could not contain my emotions and became overwhelmed. A new brother helped me with a hand on a shoulder and a short walk in reflective conversation.
The situation changed from one that could have taken me weeks to work through to a mere blip on the horizon of life.

I over commited emotionally and forgot to look after myself. While i still feel embarrest about my emotions streaming through like they did i also learnt that this boat, this crew, and this charity have a unique soul that seeps in and pushes darkness from you leaving only the comfort, saftey and honesty that only a family can give.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Day 3

We slipped ropes as planned and under the kindest blue sky we sailed out of falmoth. The sails unfurled in the light wind and the engine provided a comforting hum keeping us on course.

Moral was high and the team were teaching us how to control the sails. The engine stopped and the golden sound of motion from the wind embraced the crew and a sense of euphoria kicked in. After a few moments of pure joy. I realised the engine was not stopped deliberately. It had infact failed. The Spirt was making way undersail but our engine had failed.

The challenge of what we were about to do was suddenly clear. This is not just a holiday on a boat. After some some time in the engine room utilising knowlege from my service it was clear we needed a new part.  With dropping winds spirit was really only drifting. Our other two boats the september and quivera majestically  sailed around us bringing the feeling of comfort only brought by good friends. The moral on board instead of plumiting impoved. The crew took control and guided us threw what was needed. Everything was calm and everyone was happy as we were towed back into falmouth by the RNLI under the cover of darkness.

We were back along side in falmouth and if i were to say the spirit sighed with a chuckle under her breath you would not belive me. She is a wiley old girl making sure we are worthy of her company as she undertakes this journey of a lifetime. Maybe she though we had gone the wrong way out of the harbour when we turned left after all we should have probably turned to starboard. 

Stay safe, speak soon
