After completing the challege of the last few months i feel i should reflect on what we achived.
We set out from falmouth and were face with a huge challenge right from the start when spirits engine gave way and saw us towed back to falmouth. After a strip down and semi perminant rebuild in falmouth spirit again made her way alomg the south coast of Britan to fail with a massive gear box failure.
After building relationships and being taken to heart the peope of the isle of wight will always hold a special place in our hearts. The mamouth leg round to newcastle was a thing of beauty the should have songs written about it that get sung in the halls of Valhalla. We crossed the pentland firth after great avice from locals that no chart or book could have given us. The Orkneys brought a glimps of how the world should be with community being at the heart of the islands. My faith in humanity was restored when the local fishing and diving community mobalised in the early hours of a sunday morning just incase we need help as sprits engine was again playing up. People stopped their lives in order to make sure we random weary strangers were safe.
We visited the westen isles and the hebrides and saw sunrises and sunsets on all coasts of the country. We ran fro. Storms and hid in an idelic loch where thousands of jelly fish sourronded the boat. We got caught in storms and struck by lightening. We saw dolphins and whales and killer octopus.
We visited random war graves and walked on beaches less trodden. We explored castles and woodland walked mountains and crossed streams. When the adventure was near someone went to find it. We spread the word about Turn 2 starboard and we made contacts and learnt tips and trick galour.
We did all this with a feeling of being part of something special. We did it with pride. We walked the walk and we talked the talk. We sailed for days stright to spend time in isolated locations. I have lived more in the last few months than at any time since i left the army. I owe thanks to the charity and bigger thanks to my amazing Michelle for giving me the chance to follow my dream.
At the start i was scared about how i would cope. About what would happen and about who i would be at the end of it. I was nervous about meeting people and not being liked. I was fearful of storms both physical and emotional.
I found new friends, a new family a new passion but more than that i found myself. I was there all the time just hiding in the corner of my eye. I have been happy , sad, board and exilirated. I have traveled a path that has led me to new place in my life. I'v become comfatable in my own skin.
Going back to the real world after this will not be easy. Thing will stay where you put them and the shop will be round the corner. I will have changed. I can already feel a need for adventure coursing through my veins.
Would i do anything differently? Well obviously there is one obvious thing that would need to happen next time. As we leave falmouth to travel around the country. Lets remember to turn to starboard and go the right way
Stay safe, Speak soon