So this is my new little idea. I am going to run a blog/vlog/podcast about reading and sharing books within the male population.
Reading is so good for you with so many benifits.
1. It reduces stress
2. It increases knowledge
3. Provides mental stimulation
4. Improves memory
To find out more check out this article:
So once you have taken the benifits into account and have realised what reading can do for you where should you start?
Well for me the book I always recommend is "The Alchemist" by paulo coelho. It changed my life. After reading this book my world upended and I left the army after 12 years. Some people I have recommended it to don't like it some love it and some have had similar experiences as me.
As for books for boys there is plenty of pulp out there that you can new rip through. I will chat about them in the next few days.
If you would like to be involved in the project leave a comment. Recommend a book. In the near future I will be trying to start book groups in my local area. If you want to set up your own then why not give it a go. A book a fortnight then meet at the pub, club, cafe or gym to discuss it.
The thing we need most to get started are ideas for books and short reviews. Reviews can be writen/ video or audio. Send them in I will post them.
What have you got to loose
Stay safe, speak soon,