
Thursday, 31 December 2015

New podcast and food today

Well its not been too bad today stuck to my food apart from a few pringles this evening.

I guess I can deal with that. Just see if I can make it through the rest of new years eve.

Also listen in for my new morning podcast. Do pigs have eyebrows starting tomorrow and running as daily as I can. It will be about 15 mins each day will be mainly audio but will try to do a few as Vlogs. I will discuss life in general but get in touch with ideas of things you want to talk about

Happy new year

Stay safe, speak soon


Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Fat fat fatty fat fat

I am really struggling with food intake. I try my best but every day I find it difficult not to binge.

I realise it's a weakness but I just can't help myself. I think if food addiction is a real thing then I may have it.

How can I turn things around? I plan my food I buy healthy I make it to early evening then everyday I manage to justify it in my head. Then I feel guilty and plan on better the next day.

I really want to change so am going to document my daily food from here on out

Breakfast - carrot sticks
Lunch - brown rice and stir fry veg
Tea - sausage cassarole

a bagette
A ham sandwich
A bag of crisps
2 bread rolls

I still feel like I want to eat. It's proper shirt feeling. I feel guilty and my emotional go to is eating. It's a vicious circle really.

I know this is very self indulgent but I needed to get it out there

My plan tomorrow is

Porridge for breakfast
Soup and a roll for lunch
Homemade chicken pie for tea with veg and new potatoes.

I will see if I can stick to that.

Stay safe, speak soon


Tuesday, 29 December 2015

First steps with the book clubs

It's quite easy to have ideas but it's really hard to get traction on them and to build momentum.

This whole idea comes from a report by it explains the massive gap in literacy between boys and girls.

While the whole idea is about enjoying reading it's also really important that this idea makes it into the public conciseness. This well help to perpetuate the idea of reading in young males.

So share and #boysownbookclub along with ideas of book that you enjoyed as a teenager as well as getting yourself back into the habit of reading.

Stay safe, speak soon


Monday, 28 December 2015

Boys own book club

So this is my new little idea. I am going to run a blog/vlog/podcast about reading and sharing books within the male population.

Reading is so good for you with so many benifits.

1. It reduces stress
2. It increases knowledge
3. Provides mental stimulation
4. Improves memory

To find out more check out this article:

So once you have taken the benifits into account and have realised what reading can do for you where should you start?

Well for me the book I always recommend is "The Alchemist" by paulo coelho. It changed my life. After reading this book my world upended and I left the army after 12 years. Some people I have recommended it to don't like it some love it and some have had similar experiences as me.

As for books for boys there is plenty of pulp out there that you can new rip through. I will chat about them in the next few days.

If you would like to be involved in the project leave a comment. Recommend a book. In the near future I will be trying to start book groups in my local area. If you want to set up your own then why not give it a go. A book a fortnight then meet at the pub, club, cafe or gym to discuss it.

The thing we need most to get started are ideas for books and short reviews. Reviews can be writen/ video or audio. Send them in I will post them.

What have you got to loose

Stay safe, speak soon,
