
Wednesday, 20 January 2016

The fate of civilisation

Is civilisation on the brink of collapse. The summery for what caused the fall of the roman empire is.

Economic collapse and the arrival of the barbarian hordes had a lot more to do with the end of Roman rule." In 'The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire', Edward Gibbon blamed the adoption of Christianity as the official religion and a decline in civic virtue as the reason for the collapse.

According to Philip Matyszak, a historian and author with a doctorate in Roman history from Oxford University in an article from the times. "No historian is going to argue that debauchery brought about the end of the empire,"

Well if that's the case and all civilisations have finally collapsed how far are we off the end of the current capitalist system?

In the last 10 I feel I have seen a decline in society on the whole. I realise a lot of this comes from savage cuts to council budgets. Some is due to the extra litter and general wear and tear on community people stop caring about how things look. Areas are starting to look desheveled. Community is almost non existent in many areas. People don't talk to neighbours, use local shops or even engage with community events.

This is leaving young people with lack of guidance to do what ever they want on the streets. The police are over stretched and over worked. With reduced powers. How long before organised crime becomes a more dominant force in the uk.

If you look at what happened to Rome they were complacent they were to strong and to big to fall. A bunch of untrained barbarians sacked Rome and brought the empire to its knees. Is there a modern day barbarian horde knocking on the doors? Well there could be but we are taking them seriously right? Well not really.

I am genuinely worried about any grandchildren I might have and how the world will look for them.

Anyways that's all folks

Stay safe, speak soon


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Essay writing for the uneducated (like me)

There seems to be no more scary a statement in my life than "the deadline is next week"

Well my tips to deal with this are simple.

1. Ignore the fact you have plenty of time to do this essay and concentrate on the fact that between now and the submission you have 3 hours of stuff planned in and you have no idea where you will find the time for it.

2. Plan to start at least 5 times but then spend an hour deciding on what to have on in the background on Netflix. Then watch the entire box set

3. Start writing essay making huge assumptions on what you think you know about the subject.

4. Look for quotes to back up your work and realise everything you have done is wrong.

5. Start again and rewrite ensuring you stick to the facts. Feel confident at your finished work.

6. Read assignment brief for the essay and realise both of your previous drafts are not even close to what you should be doing.

7. Edit and rewrite essay to crowbar it into brief. Realise this now makes no sense. Leave it alone for 36 hours.

8. Start again after watching Netflix before you start. Try to find last draft but realise you have lost your usb stick. Start from scratch

9. Write your essay read 10 time feel confident it makes sense.

10. Submit online and feel both smug and confident

11. Re-read essay and realise it is total nonsense. Cry until you see other people are not even started.

12. Go to the bar and belive charma will see you though

Stay safe, speak soon


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Monday, 18 January 2016

My big "blue" tool kit

Hopefully you made it through blue Monday intact yesterday. I had planned in advance to be busy so was okay

What next blue Monday is gone but y he nights are still and the weather still cold.

For me it's about focus. I like to set aside time to be glum. I know it's sound daft but I know the gloom is always just over my shoulder so instead of running or hiding from it I like to accept that it is there and give it 20 minutes every now and again. In doing that I take its power sometimes I even laugh about it.

Don't get me wrong it sneaks up on me and derails my plans from time to time but on the whole I know it's there but own it. I use it to fuel my creative side.

Being creative however you feel is a really good way to express your feelings. I write scripts or short stories mainly. Other people I know paint or do crafts or make music.

It is important to look and see if there is something for you.

If it's not creative it could be sport or another hobbie. It could be a combination of all of these. The most important thing is to build yourself a good toolbox that can support you.

For me mindfulness is key 3 dedicated 15 minute spots a day without fail. I brake them down into a physical check in the morning followed by a mental check around lunchtime. Then before bed I like to process my day. I try to pick 3 good things a day out and relive them in my head.

Sometimes good can be "I managed to get up" sometimes it might be "I won an Oscar" (okay that's not true, I always get overlooked for Oscars like De caprio)

I think you get my point in finding the victories in the day. If you find them it sets up tomorrow. It kind of spirals into better days, Better mood and Bigger plans. It's self propagating.

This is just how I do it. Another key skill is "turn your phone off" beds are for sleeping not stalking ex's on Facebook; or reading random blog posts.

Well that's it for now

Stay safe, speak soon


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Dealing with blue Monday

Did that blue Monday even existed.

It is easy to see why this would be a pretty low week for people. It's the end of the month so money is low. It's dark on the way to work and on the way home. That's enough to make most people glum

Well what can you do to pick yourself.

First thing I did was book onto a fitness class tonight at 7 that gives me something to look forward to.

Then I picked out a new radio station to listen to today I chose absolute 90s which has played some classics that have really picked me up.  Try listening to something new.

My next plan was planning my food for the day I know I have a curry to look forward to after my gym class.

mindfulness has played a big part in my day ensuring I am checking in new with myself during the day.

I have started to plan out and fill my week as I know if I get time for procrastination I will hit a spiral. That does not mean being busy all the time but it means have planned inactivity. Watch TV, reading a book.

I suggest reading a book and getting involved in #boysownbookclub. Have a look at my previous bolg post about it.

Anyway let me know how you are getting on and take care of yourself

Stay safe, speak soon


Sunday, 17 January 2016

Stick at it

It's all about persistence. Whatever it is you want to achieve just keep on plugging away you have got as good a chance as anyone else. The only issue is some people will have a head start from who they know. This only means you have to be more focused and work harder.

Very little in life comes without effort. My current goal is shifting some timber and uni shizzle. 

The weight loss is possible and I have been sticking to my plan for a week. Will be off doing jump fitness tomorrowso that can only help.

Really need to be back on my bike but last week was just too cold. It might sound like a excuse and that's because it is.

I have an assessed radio show tomorrow. You won't hear my wonderful vocal stylings as I am producing. It will be a bit of a mishmash of a show as it's important the whole group get a decent amount of content in for their portfolios.

Got zero DIY done today as there was too much normal stuff to do.

Freya is wearing new clothes she bought yesterday when she was out with her mum. They look lovely but she looks way too grown up for my liking. I still see a baby girl but she is growing up so fast.

We have been doing stickers in her frozen sticker book this afternoon. It's getting to the point where we get full packs that are all swaps it's both exciting and annoying. I once managed to complete the return of the jedi sticker book when I was a kid. It felt like a massive achievement at the time.

I am looking forward to our daddy daughter date night on Tuesday.  I just need to work out what we are going to do.

stay safe, speak soon


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Saturday, 16 January 2016

Decoration salvation - the trusty old zip tie

Well today the girls went out while I cracked on with the diy

I filled all the old screw holes and painted the newly plastered ceiling it looks quite nice now really just need to get cracking with the wall paper now.

While doing the ceiling today the handle on my roller snapped. This was a major issue until I thought back to my time in the army and realised zip ties can fix anything. See attached photo for engineering solution.

I really want the front room finished next weekend. It can't keep dragging on it will start to impact my study time for university.

Uni is feeling quite stressful at the moment which is the first time it has. I have about 6500 words worth of essays to write but just can't face it. Really just need to crack on.

My food intake is going well and not slipped with the binge session for 4 days. It must be a record. My mental health feels good just feel like I have loads of uni stuff to do. 

Tomorrow going out for tea for my mum's birthday. 

Stay safe, speak soon


Friday, 15 January 2016

My 11 guests

Thinking about this I had to consider if the people would get along or if they would hate each other this made it impossible to ask my top guests. Then I thought it was my dinner party so I would just assume they would get along and that they would all speak English.

1. Jim Bradford - he was my best friend while in the army and I don't see him enough so any excuse. He would also be someone to talk to if the rest turned out to be really dull.

2. John peel - he is a bit of a hero of mine and it would be great to talk to him about music

3. Anne hatherway - she is an outstanding actor. I think she would be really interesting plus her smile is so big it would be easy to gage if she was having a good time.

4. Stacey Dooley - I love her honest niaviety and how she seems unphazed by the situation and more interested the individual than the whole.

5. Prince Harry - let's face it he know how to have a good time. Plus I would like to talk about his time in the army.

6. Dave Grimshaw - he was my lecturer last year and retired over the summer. I found a mentor and miss him a little. Although his replacement is doing a sterling job.

7. James cordan - I would love to talk about is career path and generally try and get a smiffy style rant out of him

8. Julie Andrews - who would not want Mary popping at their dinner party.

9. My nan on my dad's side - She sounded like a spirited woman who I never had the fortune to meet

10. My niece Ella - as I am very proud of her and would love to see her taking the fact that she is speaking to people who should be dead in her stride.

11. Freddie Mercury - well Ella would love that and he would be great for entertainment after dinner

12. Kate aide - she saw some shit going down. It would be good to hear her stories

Well that's my 12 like I said it can be anyone living or dead. There are loads of people you should invite but remember it's your dinner party don't feel pressured. There is the whole mother Teresa Nelson Mandela thing but it's my party and I am choosing

Let me know yours.

On another point my real favorite is with shell and the kids but I am pretty sure she would understand if I got invited to that party. She is good like that

Stay safe, speak soon


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Worlds best Dinner party

Who would you invite to a dinner party?

So A formal dinner with you and 11 guests. You can choose anyone living or dead but need reasons.

I will work on mine you work on yours I will let you know mine later.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

105 kg - 178cm = me

Well its official I am obese. My BMI is at 33ish. I am over 16 stone and should be around 12 stone. So that's the target 4.5 stone loss.

It's not easy when you think about my eating issues but that is just an excuse really.

So how am I going to do it. I have thought up my own diet plan. It's called the "move more, eat less plan" it does exactly what it says on the tin. I will let you know how I get on from time to time. If I reach my target I will have a party.

What is a realistic target? I think about 2 lbs a week to start with then it will slow down as I get closer to my target.

I might take a start and end photo but not really sure yet weather I could face the world seeing it. Plus on a real level who needs to see fat Russ photos. Maybe there is some kind of fetish group out there.

Am in work later on 12:15 - 14:15. I am considering doing jump fit again tonight. Not sure yet though. Might be a good idea but don't want to burn the idea out and end up not going at all. It's a bit like January gym memberships burn out.

Later that day..........

Well I decided not go and do something I a stood around in the cold for a couple of hours this afternoon so I just need to walm up.

Done well with my food today so far.

Stay safe, speak soon


Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Motivation lacking, faith questioning?

I don't have any lectures on a Wednesday. Today I planned to start glossing the hall and landing. Start work on another essay. I managed to watch telly. I did turn my computer on  so big points for me there. Win.

It's been a strange day. I got a message off someone I know vaugly. I have always thought them a nice person but never really had the chance to get to know them. We had a short discussion about mental health and faith/church.

This is all a bit deep for me but I have been questioning my faith a lot recently as over the last 8 years I don't think I have visited a church apart from a wedding. I have not prayed since I left the army. Then a couple of weeks ago I started praying again. I asked for the strength to be a better man. I have been asking the same since. Then today I got a message from someone who I barely know offering me words of support and helpping me re open the internal reflection with my relationship with my faith. It just seemed a bit spooky.

This afternoon I went out for lunch and then had a hospital appointment. I am going to have a few tests and see how things are. I don't think there is much wrong with me that loosing some weight would not fix. (Obviously I do think I am ill and about to die but I am trying to fool myself, shhhhh don't tell me)

So tomorrow I am going for some blood tests. Hooray that will be fun.

We bought an Aldi smoothie maker today which I thought would be rubbish but it's pretty good to be honest.

This evening we have had a meeting about the restructure at work which just feel a bit intimidating to be back in this process again. I won't talk about that at the moment. As it's a sore point really the way I feel on the subject.

Then this evening before bed I watched heartbreak ridge. You gotta love gunny highways method of preparing his troops.

Stay safe, speak soon


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Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Tuesday night is Awesome

It's Daddy daughter Tuesday hooray.

So today is our after school experience. I was planning  on a nature walk but rain stopped play. I didn't  want to do trampolining again but Freya did. The roller rink was closed so there was nothing for it but Legoland discovery center Manchester.

It was awesome. Due to being after school it was pretty quite only about 8 other people in there.

The whole experience from start to finish was sugar coated candyfloss flavour family fun. I was amazed at the sheer joy that I felt. It was like being 8 years old getting everything I could have ever wanted for Christmas.

We got to get all the lego factory machines working. We had a battle with orcs trying to over run a castle. We did karaoke in the lego friends cafe. We built towers on earthquake tables and Freya made the tallest one which stayed up made me very pround. Mine collapsed but I think my earthquake was more severe and I am pretty sure I saw godzilla near mine.

We also watched a 4D film. I don't want to give anything away but I will say it's worth a visit.

We left via the shop and build our own lego characters. I made Steve jobs.
I wanted to make a David Bowie but they just never had the parts.

I would definitely go again for longer. It's a 4 star rating on the scale.

Stay safe, speak soon


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Monday, 11 January 2016

Jumping into that fitness

Well with riding so much on my bike and now trying new fitness thing you would think I would be  stick thin. I am not this is because I love pies and pizza and most of all cake.

So I have been trying to sort that out for the last few weeks and I am getting better. Oh and I did start before Christmas this is not a really new idea. The only thing new for this year is doing new things with Freya every Tuesday.  Tomorrow we are going on a nature walk unless it's really cold then I will need a indoor plan.

Not sure what yet if you can think of something for a 38 year old fat lad and a 6 year old girl to do let me know. If I don't use it tomorrow I have 50 other weeks to fill.

Ideally everything will be something energetic. It's part of my personal fitness campaign.

My reflux was bad today during the class best not eat before I go next time. I knew this really but as we have already discussed I am a greedy pig. I won't make that mistake again though.

Stay safe, speak soon


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Saturday, 9 January 2016

Turn and face the strange

"Turn and face the strange"

Let's take that statement and roll with it.

Change is a part of life and even the force exerted in fighting change is in itself a change to your normal habits.

I have struggled with change in the past. The last 2 occasions I have had major significant change I really struggled. My mental and physical heath took a pounding. Now not so much I have learnt to embrace change.

Iv not just rolled over to the inevitability of in just change I still fight and try to stop the growing wave of change that removes our rights.

I am currently undergoing big change in my own life with more government cutbacks effecting my job again. I have only just come to terms with the last round.

The change that I will be taking time to reflect on today is the death of David Bowie.

Can music change you?

I think it can feed your soul which can be a catalyst for change on our journey through life.

What do you think? Let me know

I will leave you with this

"The truth is of course is that there is no journey. We are arriving and departing all at the same time."

David Bowie

Stay safe, speak soon


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So it been a busy few days of sorting and out and getting wallpaper stripped oh the joy. It's not a exactly been a pleasure. After 2 full days I have finished the hall stairs and landing and most of the front room. I have 1 alcove and above the windows.  As far as a workout goes it's been pretty good for the arms.

Being busy has also stopped me snacking. I also feel genuinely ready for bed.

Being busy like I have always makes me wonder about being a good dad. As due to doing D.i.y I have not had the same amount of time to invest in Freya.  I asked her about it today and she had not even noticed. Which I guess is a good thing.

We have been planing our Tuesday activity for after school. So far it is a nature adventure unless it's raining. Then it's an indoor thing but not sure which.

I am trying my best to be a better man. I even said a little prayer about it the other day. Which is strange as I don't feel religious. I wonder what that's all about.

I am off to jump fitness again tomorrow night. Let's see how that goes. I am still sore from last time.

Any ideas for daddy daughter dates are much appreciated.

Stay safe, speak soon


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Thanatophobia (Death anxiety)

Well it's another sey subject you just can't wait to here about.

I am a massive hypochondriac and I know that. I am getting better at realising it but somehow it's always there.

In the last year I have genuinely felt like I was about to die about 5 times. All reasonableness ignored on weather this was true.

I do suffer with constant annoying acid reflux all the time which when I think about it is obviously (in my mind) some kind of cancer. Even though I have had an endoscopy which found a small hiatel hernia. I have thought I was about to have a heart attack twice and ended up in hospital once. (I still think I was having one) if I get the slightest neck pain  or head ache it is definitely a stroke.

My latest one is when I am in bed I am sure I can feel a lump in my abdomen. (Which is I am pretty sure a spring in my bed) so I prod it till it hurts and then I have a sore lump in my abdomen which is even worse.

I have been checked by the doctor apart from slightly high liver function (I think because I am fat) which in my mind is liver or bowel cancer. I have to get this retested which I am putting off out of fear! (I know I am an idiot).

Why am a scared of dying. Well it's simple. I want to be here for Freya. I want to see her grow up and be able to support her. Am I really scared of dying. I don't think I am. What I fear is leaving Shell and the kids without me.

They are the reason I wake up and the reason I work. I live for them. I am at university at 38 to try and provide them with a better life. I want them to have nice things and great experiences.

So in honesty I am doing better. I can go months now instead of days without seeing a doctor. I realise this is all part of my ongoing battle with my mental heath but it's still hard to overcome.

I try to be mindful and am trying to be more healthy in my lifestyle choices.

Well glad I cheered you all up

Stay safe, speak soon


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Big effort, Big rewards

To start with I have a massive headache and pain down my neck. Due to the fact that I am a massive hypochondriac this means I am definitely dying. Or stripping wall paper all day after doing jump fitness might also be the explination. If I do feel really ill I will get it checked.

Is life down to luck?

Well yes but I think luck for those of us from hubble beginning comes directly from the effort we put in.

This is a broad sweeping statement that can be proven in either direction by multiple case studies. If I look at the people I know the ones who are committed to stuff and put in the effort are the ones who achieve the luckiest outcomes in life.

This effort is often undermined by the efforts of others but in the long term determination does seem to pay off.

Natural ability and circumstances of birth obviously influence the way people progress in life but with out drive it is easy to squander the advantages. The level of effort needed by people without this advantage is vastly increased but you still see people breaking barriers and grabbing their opportunities.

Rant over with a final message "if you want something go out and get it" (me, just now.)

Well did book onto jump fit again on Monday at 8 if you fancy it book in quick.

Today has been spent mostly striping wall paper from hall stairs and landing and front room. Tomorrow will be spent the same way. Except tomorrow might include picking some paint too. I can't wait! Is it fair as a bloke to say. I really don't care what it looks like.

Speak soon, stay safe


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Friday, 8 January 2016

Jump don't fall

Many people will already be giving up on new year fitness plans. Well don't drop of it jump instead. 

As you will know if you have been reading for a while on Tuesday I went to jump wearhouse and had an amazing time with Freya

I felt a bit sore and looked online at there site and saw they offered fitness classes I went over this morning feeling apprehensive (being a fat lad) at the the thought of it. It was however much more fun than I thought. It was body combat on trampolines. I came out feeling fully worked out but my joints all feel fine no aches like I usually get after any kind of circuits.

If you are looking for a way to get fit that at the same time helps you feel like a 6 year old jumping on a trampoline. This is for you. The personal trainer taking the class claimed it could burn upto 1000 calories a session. I fully believe it. What I also really liked was walking out of a really fun workout back to my car and seeing the misirable faces on the people in the gym. I bet they quit before the end of the month.

I will be booking in on Monday evening. Join me if you like. If you know Warrington it is just by LA bowl. Or this is the website

While the session today was very intimate you need to book for evening sessions.

I will might look at doing a podcast about this.

Stay safe, speak soon


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Thursday, 7 January 2016

Determination, Decoration and Daleks

I am still struggling with snacking but I did only snack once and it was not the usual kind of binge. Which is a positive. I am booked into jump fitness tomorrow at the trampoline place even though at the moment I am still hurting from playing on them on Tuesday. Am taking a voice recorder and going to do some stuff for the radio/podcast. Put together a bit of a package and see how that goes.

Today has been pretty productive. Got loads of the hall and landing sorted out today, found a crack in the plaster and called a plasterer to see if it was OK....... Good news it was bad news while he was in I got a quote for the ceilings downstairs so am forking out for them on Thursday next week.

Went to uni and did some script writing, played Lego with Freya and made a Lego Dalek trap because why the hell not. I am still procrastinating about uni work but in think I am OK. Just need to make sure I am keeping up to date as the weeks move on. I am half way through my second year which is pretty scary stuff. If everything keeps going as planed I will graduate just before my 40th birthday which is really nice.

Reflux not as bad guess that's due to not eating the rubbish I normally do. Spoke about doing at LGBT podcast with a LGBT group in Warrington.

Shell has been quite bad with her Fybro over the last couple of days I am starting to get a bit worried about her again. I really don't know what I can do to help.

Stay safe, speak soon


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Wednesday, 6 January 2016

The pain of trampolines

The pain is unreal. Trampolining is by far the most painful day after exercise I have ever done my abs are in tatters.
I have however been told by Freya that I am doing it again in a fortnight. Apparently I am allowed to choose something else next week? I am not sure what yet maybe roller skating but really not 100% on that yet. If I can find something more unusual I will try that.

Went out for lunch today and bought Freybot some new trousers. I noticed that every shop I went in today the cute little girl stuff is right next to the dad clothes. This is no coincidence I am sure it is a conspiracy against my bank account.
Also had a meeting about work and restructuring the staffing. It's not going to be a easy time for people. Some jobs going some money going and some big changes to terms and conditions but I won't bore you with all that.

Back to the book club idea. I am going to start with the fire station and see if I can get them to recommend Books on video? It's worth a shot.
Will be doing some script writing tomorrow for a short film. Hopefully it will go well
Stay safe, Speak soon


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Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Bouncing fun

Then picked Freya up from school today as tuesdays are Daddy Daughter date nights. Today we went to jump wear house in Warrington.  It's a massive wear house full of interconnecting trampolines.
It really was loads of fun Freya had loads of fun as did I. However at present I am in loads of pain from bouncing around for an hour.

There is enough room for 50 people an hour on the trampolines. There was only me and Freya today which was amazing.

We played a game where we had to copy each other. My body is regretting trying to keep up with a 6 year old now. It really hurts to cough.

She cried when it was time to come off which made me sad but at the same time I know she must have really liked it.

The place is right next door to a gym. I bet I got a better work out than anyone in there and had more fun.

Stay safe, speak soon


Monday, 4 January 2016

Busy day back at school

I have got a really good opportunity to get a documentary off the ground which I will talk more about another time if it comes off.

What do you think of documentary? I have a little dad crush on Stacey dooley at the moment. I like them.

Podcast will start this week definitely. I am just a little torn on video or Audio for the first one.

As part of the doing stuff, not buying stuff plan. I am trying to plan something to do with Freya tomorrow after school. Any ideas?

It has been a good day got up nice and early got Freya off to school with no dramas. Redrafted my assignment for university. Going to carry on with this in the morning.

I spent the afternoon grafting in the garden weeded and put barrier fabric down. Just need to buy some chippings for over the top now and then it's all done.

Next job to start will be hall, stairs and landing. I have been trying to do it for about 5 years.

It will be finished by Sunday (hopefully)

Anyway I need to plan after school activities for me and Freya tomorrow.

Stay safe, speak soon


Sunday, 3 January 2016

Stuff or experience?

Stuff is nice to have. The wide screen TV,  PS4, the coffee machine, the nice car. It's stuff we all want, but do we need it? No do we hell.

I have decided this year I will buy no stuff. I will instead spend any money I have on experiences. As nice as stuff is it doesn't really impress anyone; except yourself.

What impresses people is the story about when you escaped the lion attack or fell off the trampoline. I realise them examples are at both ends of the "interesting" spectrum, but you get my point.

When was the last time a successful relationship (friendly or romantic) started with the words "i have a XBOX 1". The truth is that conversation never happened. If you managed it then you are the exception that proves the rule.

So this year don't spend your money on stuff spend it on experiences. Anything new or old pastimes you could get involved in again. Not only does it make you more interesting but you will meet interesting people at the same time. Them people will fill up your life with things far more important than stuff.

Stay safe, speak soon


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Saturday, 2 January 2016

2nd january

It's been a great day today apart from feel exhausted. It's my own fault for binging on box sets last night

Me and Freya (my 6 year old daughter) looked after a friends baby this morning and she (alice) was really well behaved which was good. I had been a little bit nervous before she arrived. I managed to be sufficiently awesome to entertain  her.

This afternoon we went to the cinema together all 5 of us. We went to watch Charlie Brown which was nice. The film was not great but as a exercise in nonsense appreciation it was fun.

This evening I have watched Ella enchanted which was really good and I had never seen it before. In fairness I can watch Anna Hatherway all day.

Food wise it started well with porridge then at lunch whole grain rice mushrooms and chicken. It did slip at tea time as we had KFC on our way home from the pictures. I am not beating myself up over it which is a good.

I am lacking motivation getting started with my podcast. I think it's due to everyone being off work and school.

Also need to really start writing down some more of this pirate story before my head explodes. Under the strain of imagination.

Stay safe, speak soon


Friday, 1 January 2016

1st january 2016

Well about 5 years ago I had a really vivid dream that I was going to die in February 2016. Let's hope that premonition does not come true.

Resolutions: nothing new just my constant battle with food. Hopefully I can overcome it in the next 12 months.

I am planning on not being such a massive hypochondriac this year. I know I have mental health issues but I think I can keep a grip this year.

Boys own book club. My plan to get this launched is my most important one of the year.

Also carry on with my script. I Might Turn It Into A Book Not really sure yet. 

Stay safe, speak soon
